Our Services

Workers Compensation

We are licensed in all 50 states – and you have options! Steps may need to be taken including utilizing our system for Experience Mod. Reduction or Claims Control Management. Either way, get options and save money fast!

Specialized Coverages

We have years of insurance experience helping clients in the Home Health Care industry prepare for the risks of your home care insurance industry. Ask us about  General Liability, Professional Liability, Sexual Abuse and Molestation, Non-Owned Auto Insurance, & much more.

Unrivaled Service

Our team delivers accurate and affordable quotes for the home health care industry. We also know insurance is not something you want taking up your day. Whether you need a certificate or just have a questions, we respond to our clients the same day. 

A Simple, Affordable Approach to Home Health Care Insurance



Our Home Health Care Insurance Program is built from the ground up to focus on what is most important to our clients.  Our program comprises the essential coverages that are required in the home health care industry.  We want our clients to pay for what they need and help avoid overpaying for excessive and unnecessary coverage.  

“When you work as closely as we do with our Home Health Care clients, there is a level of understanding about their insurance needs that our competitors don’t possess.  We boil down the complexities of a comprehensive insurance product into an affordable and easy to understand program.”

Alex Finkelman


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