The Nebraska Liquor Control Commission has instructed liquor retailers to get rid of any alcohol that has been in contact with floodwater. The Commission advised retailers to do so after several inquiries were made about what should be done with bottled alcohol that appeared to be undamaged.

The Commission also prohibited wholesalers from retrieving the product from retailers or reimbursing them. Stores were instructed to file claims through their insurance companies.

Nebraska has experienced record breaking flooding due to rapid snow melting and heavy rainfall. Costs of damages are over $1 billion with cattle and crop loss, roads and infrastructure damage, and business and home destruction. Nebraska is seeking a federal disaster declaration which would allow funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Flood insurance covers any damages that occur when groundwater rises and seeps into your business. A lot of general policies do not cover flooding. If your business is at high risk for flooding, you should seek flood insurance. In some areas, flood insurance may even be required. Coastal areas and river floodplains are most likely to be affected by flooding.

While you may not think that you are susceptible to flooding, you could be vulnerable to flash flooding. Flooding is long term while flash flooding typically occurs within a few hours of excessive rainfall. Either way, a flood insurance policy will cover your business for the damage incurred.

It is important for you to protect your business and employees if a natural disaster should occur. You should know your area and its weather and natural disaster history. Give yourself peace of mind by getting the correct policy for your business. Talk to an agent today to discuss your insurance needs so that you are covered in case of an emergency.