Workers’ compensation claims for car accidents have been on the rise. The National Council on Compensation has reported that these claims are responsible for 41 percent of fatal compensation claims. They found that car accident claims increased by five percent from 2011 to 2016, although total claims declined by 17.6 percent.

Many associate driver distractions with the increase in automobile accidents, most notably, cell phone use while driving. One way to keep your employees safe on the road is to enforce a hands-free rule. Even if the state you conduct work in has hands-free laws, it is important to reiterate that texting and emailing while driving is extremely dangerous. If the email or text cannot wait until the driver has arrived at their destination, then they should pull into a rest stop or parking lot.

If driving is an important part of how you conduct business, supply bluetooth headsets for your employees to use in their car. Bluetooth headsets allow them to make and answer phone calls without taking their hands off the wheel.

Here are some other ways to keep yourself and your employees safe on the road:

  • Wear your seatbelt. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 48 percent of the 37,461 people killed in motor vehicle crashes were not wearing their seatbelts. An estimated 14,668 lives were saved by wearing seatbelts, while an additional 2,456 could have been saved if they had been worn.
  • Remain alert by taking a break from driving at least every 2 hours. Get out of the car, stretch, eat, and hydrate.
  • Drive for the weather conditions. Take caution when driving in harsh weather conditions. Even on sunny days, drivers should be wearing sunglasses to reduce glare. Learn more about reducing your risk of hydroplaning here.
  • Adjust the car to the driver. If multiple people use different vehicles, make sure they adjust the seat and mirrors before heading out on the road.
  • Keep your vehicle’s maintenance up to date. Bring your vehicles to a mechanic you trust. Get regular tune-ups and oil changes to prevent problems before they arise. If a problem should arise, fix it as soon as possible.